Elevated romantic love and jealousy if relationship status is declared on Facebook


Today when everything seems to be driven by science and technology, it’s of no surprise when we realize that social media can have an impact on our relationships. A study found that there was increase in both romantic love and jealousy when couples went ‘Facebook Official’. When partners acknowledge their commitment publicly, it shows signs of maturity and stability in the relationship with increase in intimacy, care and attachment towards each other. Jealousy also arises in order to protect the relationship from ex-partners and outside rivals. Wearing a wedding ring symbolizes couple bonding and never ending love. Similarly declaring a relationship status officially on facebook was found to promote the feeling of trust among the couples.


Source : Orosz, G., Szekeres, Á., Kiss, Z. G., Farkas, P., & Roland-Lévy, C. (2015). Elevated romantic love and jealousy if relationship status is declared on Facebook. Frontiers in Psychology6, 214. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00214

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